What Practices Does Your Greenhouse Use To Ensure Premium Quality?

Managing your greenhouse's environmental quality is crucial if you want to consistently grow strong, healthy, vibrant plants.

The Importance of Greenhouse Management

Managing the environmental quality of a greenhouse is especially important if you want to consistently be growing strong, healthy, vibrant plants. Given the right circumstances, native plants should easily grow in their natural environment, but once you improve the quality of the environmental conditions a plant can flourish and thrive in new and exciting ways. By ensuring the quality of the plants we grow we are providing hearty flowers that can withstand the changes in environment, repotting, soil, and more after being sold. What may seem like small growing practices in a greenhouse are actually ensuring the health and quality of each plant. In order to grow high-quality plants, flowers, crops, and more we implement control over the greenhouse in every way we can. JOCO Growers is constantly growing large quantities of plants, and because greenhouses are an extension of the grower, we ensure we are providing the plants with a great home to grow in. In order to provide excellent quality plants we exercise control over the environment as a way to protect and strengthen the plants. It’s our goal to ensure every plant grown in our greenhouse has a great quality of life and is ready to find a new home!

Talk To JOCO Growers About School Fundraising

Best Practice for Greenhouses

A sign among rows of potted plants inside a greenhouse shows the text, "Blossom Festival".

Greenhouses are the ultimate environment for successfully growing plants, and can allow growers to grow crops throughout the entire year. It’s important to make sure you’re exercising control over the environment to ensure your plants are getting the most out of the greenhouse, and that they aren’t suffering because of unbalanced factors. Exercising best practices like temperature control, humidity control, air circulation and ventilation, watering, soil quality, and more will help your plants thrive. Greenhouses can sometimes be a fragile ecosystem, so balancing the environment is crucial to success.

Temperature Control

A major benefit of utilizing a greenhouse for growing plants is the ability to regulate temperature control. The temperature of a greenhouse not only impacts the air and the plants, but can also heat the soil. Soil temperature not only protects the roots from getting too cold, but it can promote germination of different crops. Air circulation will also contribute to temperature control by venting out excess heat during warmer points of the year.

A greenhouse also allows us to continue growing plants throughout the entire year regardless of the weather conditions. We are able to trap heat inside of the greenhouse to ensure each plant is safe and has the appropriate growing conditions. Utilizing ventilation, airflow, heating systems, and ambient thermometers one should have enough control over the air and soil temperatures in order to keep plants growing throughout the entire year. Despite all of the tricks utilized in temperature management greenhouses can be finicky when it comes to their temperature conditions.

Air Circulation

Air circulation in greenhouses helps to improve the overall health of the crops. Utilizing proper air circulation provides a handful of benefits including regulating temperature, and humidity, reducing plant disease, and reintroducing carbon dioxide levels in the indoor garden. Because the process of photosynthesis utilizes carbon dioxide it can become depleted inside a greenhouse. By introducing outside air into the greenhouse you are able to control the carbon dioxide levels. Without any airflow inside a greenhouse, the growth of the plants will be impacted. Air circulation will allow cool air to enter into the greenhouse and hot air to vent out in order to maintain temperature. Having proper ventilation inside a greenhouse reduces the chance that funguses will spread throughout the plants in the air. Without air circulation, these pores will land on plants and infect them quickly. By implementing proper air circulation you will receive many benefits and help your greenhouse continue to provide the best possible environment for your crops.


The humidity in a greenhouse is another key element to growing healthy, nourished plants. When you control the humidity you are controlling the water that is present in the air. Increasing the humidity in greenhouses is relatively simple and there are a few methods. Regulating watering means that the soil will have an appropriate amount of water, and some of that water will evaporate and increase the humidity levels. Air circulation can also help increase humidity. We combine many of these techniques in order to exercise sticky control over humidity to ensure our plants can thrive in their environment.

Humidity control doesn’t only include adding water into the air, but also sometimes removing it. Typically plants will thrive in higher levels of humidity, around 50 to 70%, so if the humidity increases beyond that range problems can occur. Condensation can build up in greenhouses that have high humidity levels, which can cause water to build up, pool, and even drip from the ceiling. Condensation on the greenhouse ceiling and walls can reduce the amount of light that the plants receive, which affects their food and nutrient production. Dehumidifying is as important as adding water into the air. Extreme humidity or an extremely dry environment can be as detrimental to the health of a plant as not getting the right amount of sunlight.

Plant Food

In order to help our plants grow stronger and more plentiful we provide them with plant food. Plants receive nutrients from the soil, minerals in the water, and through photosynthesis. In order to boost the nutrients in the soil fertilizers can be introduced. There are general fertilizers that can be used across a variety of plant species, but fertilizers can also be specific to different plants. If you are able to use fertilizers that are meant for a plant it will receive additional nutritional benefits. By maximizing nutrient intake along with sunlight, watering, and other environmental factors your greenhouse will produce even more robust and healthy plants. We maintain a rigorous fertilizer program and utilize a mix of soil in order to help the plants in our greenhouse thrive. Using too much fertilizer can have negative side effects and even kill your crops. Finding the right balance with plant food

The JOCO Growers’ Greenhouse

Rows upon rows of plants and hanging baskets inside a large greenhouse.

We have spent years developing and perfecting our personal greenhouses to produce incredible, high-quality flowers. The JOCO Growers greenhouse is our promise to the organizations we work with that our products are going to be as healthy as possible and allow them to deliver great flowers to their fundraising participants every time. All of the plants grown in our greenhouses go to local fundraisers. With our growing space, every plant is taken care of and we make sure they have the best resources to grow to their biggest potential. We guarantee you will be happy with the plants that you get from our greenhouses throughout the entire year.

Learn More About Our Plant Fundraisers

Growing Plants for Local Fundraising

JOCO Growers is very proud to work with local organizations in order to raise money for their communities. We often partner with schools to provide them with seasonal flowers that they sell to raise funds. Our team has developed a simplified process that helps fundraising organizers work efficiently and gives them the resources and assistance to produce a successful fundraiser. 100% of our greenhouses are dedicated to fundraising. As a local business we believe in supporting local organizations, and love providing high-quality flowers. Every successful school fundraiser means a local organization or school will be able to continue funding programming for students, or help add new ways for students to thrive inside and out of the classroom.

Work With JOCO Growers For Your Next Fundraiser


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